Group Living

"Ko te whakaora, he hīkoi whakāmarama. Māna anō tōna ake ara whakaora e whakarau"

"A journey of discovery where an individual leads their own unique process of moving forwards"

Group Living

Group Living & Flatmate Finders

Sharing accommodation is a positive option for many people with experience of mental illness and addictions.  Combining talents, sharing household responsibilities and costs, companionship and peer support are a few of the positive benefits of sharing living spaces.

Comcare’s Group Living Service provides a variety of options to people wishing to explore this option.  There are many reasons people consider this option but some of the examples below are common.

  • A transition to independence for people leaving more supported environments of residential or hospital care.
  • Combining talents to enable a group of people to live independently who may have struggled as individuals
  • Exploring setting up a flat for the first time with a group of friends or a acquaintances met within residential and specialist mental health services
  • Seeking a flatmate position within an established supportive flat

Comcare staff provide assistance with establishing a shared arrangement that suits those involved, provide support to the group to sustain their tenancy and broker access to other support services individuals or the group may require.

Tenancies may be within Comcare owned or rented properties or the group may wish to take on the tenancy themselves.   A variety of opportunities are made available for tenants to pursue work, activity or other physical and mental health wellbeing programmes on a voluntary basis.

Depending on the needs of the group, services such as household support and payment for facilities such as phone and power can be included in a rent package.

It is important to note that this is not a clinical or residential service and does not directly provide physical and mental health care.